An up to date place to find out about the Brackney Family

Monday, December 20, 2004

Our House in Knoxville, TN Posted by Hello

Friday, December 17, 2004

Found A House

Hello all. April and I just got back from Tennessee tonight. We found a house in the Farragut, Tennessee area. This is the West Knoxville area for those of you that do not know Knoxville. It is a 4 bedroom and 2 bath house. It is in a great subdivision. The house needs some new carpet, paint throughout and updating of lights and fixtures, but the house is built great and is about 2200 sq. ft. God has really blessed us. It will take time to adjust from our house in Michigan to this one, but as time goes by, I know we will feel more at home in it. Will update you more as I know more.

God Bless,

Philip & April

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Brackney Family 2004 Posted by Hello

A New Beginning

Greetings to all our friends and family!
We hope this finds you healthy and happy. This past year has been an exciting one for us! In June we learned that our family would be growing with the addition of a son due the middle of February. His due date is actually the weekend of Winterfest! We traveled to Brazil for the annual teen mission trip and had a successful time. In August, we learned that a change of employment would occur, after working for the Rochester Church of Christ since April of 1997. We then began the journey to find the place where God needed us to be. We prayed that it would be a clear path, so clear that a decision didn't need to be made. God is so good, He has shone us the way! After three weeks on the market, the Lord sold our house and gave us exactly the amount we needed! Then he opened the doors for a job opportunity with a church in Tennessee. So, as I write this, we are packing boxes and house hunting. Philip accepted a youth ministery position with the Farragut Church of Christ in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are planning to move just after the first of the year. Even though we are leaving the only state we have called home and all that is familiar, we are at peace knowing this is the Lord's plan for our lives. We will be about 30 minutes away from Philip's brother Mark and his family.
Our oldest daughter Sarah will be six on December 18th. She started school this fall as a homeschooled kindergartener. She is already reading and enjoys doing projects. She loves to play Barbies and is looking forward to having a baby brother.
Sydney turned three on October 28th. She loves to play with her big sister, loves dress up, Barbies and riding her spring horse. She has a fun personality and often gets the hiccups from laughing so much!
Philip still loves to play basketball, which he has had time to do in the past few months. He is looking forward to getting back into youth ministry on a full time basis.
I stay busy with the girls and the daily duties of life. After a rough couple of weeks of nausea early in the pregnancy, I am feeling better and growing bigger each day. I am enjoying being Sarah's teacher and seeing the lights go on when she learns something new!
Know that you are always welcome to stop in and see us on your way, or please make our home your final destination. There are alot of things to do in Tennessee and the weather is much better than Michigan!
May God bless you in the new year!
Love, Philip, April, Sarah and Sydney