An up to date place to find out about the Brackney Family

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Been a While

WOW has it been awhile since I wrote here last. Sorry for the delay. I love it here in Knoxville, TN. The people at the Farragut Church of Christ are incredible people. The hardest part about the move is starting all over with friendships. You would think it would not be hard, but then you realize that it has taken 30 years to have the relationships you have in Michigan so I guess it will jsut take time here In Tennesse as well.

The family is doing great. Landen is 15 months old now and walking all around exploring his new world. Sydney just finished her first year of preschool and loved it. Her favorite thing to do is to swing real high. Sarah finshed 1st Grade and is an excellent student. She loves to read and ride her bike. April is an awesome teacher and very patient.

I am getting ready for a busy summer. I am taking FYM (Farragut Youth Ministry) to Honduras for two weeks. We will build homes and do a vacation bible school. It is so rewarding to see how God uses the teens. He truely works though all the teens.

Well that is all for now. Check out our youth web site at

Bye for now.